Financial Assistance

We can advise and assist families with applying for funeral grants from Work and Income (NZ) and the Accident Compensation Corporation and can also assist and advise families on closing bank accounts in small estates.

Financial Assistance
Following is information about Financial Assistance that may be available to you from Government Agencies. (As at 1st July 2021. The amounts and criteria may be subject to change)

If there is a surviving spouse a Funeral Grant to a maximum of $2,559.20 may be available from Income Support.  (This is asset tested).

For a single or solo person whose estate is unable to meet the total cost of funeral expenses a Funeral Grant to a maximum of $2,559.20 may be available from Income Support.

A Childs Funeral Grant, again from Income Support to a maximum of $2,559.20. (Parents income and assets come into the equation).

In addition to the above grants, a person who served in the Armed Forces before December 1947 may be entitled to a free or subsidised cemetery plot in the Services Lawn Cemetery.
This may also apply to those who served in Korea, J. Force, Malaya or United Nation Peace Keeping Forces.

For a Returned Service Person whose death was caused directly to War service or who was 70% permanently incapacitated due to war service and was receiving a War Pension at the time of death the WINZ Funeral Grant entitlement may be slightly greater than the above grant.

In the case of accidental death, A.C.C. may contribute towards the funeral expenses up to a maximum of $7,491.95 (Other grants may also be available to a dependent spouse and children).  The word dependent is defined by A.C.C.


You cannot claim a Funeral Grant from both WINZ and A.C.C.