
It is difficult to give exact costs of a funeral with this information as the final cost is determined by many factors based on the exact wishes of families and individuals.

If you would like to contact us, give us an idea of what you would like we would be very happy to provide you with an estimate of costs.

The staff at the Richmond Funeral Home work hard to understand the needs/wishes/financial circumstances of families and will endeavor to provide a funeral to suit your needs and financial requirements.

We understand the circumstances that some families find themselves in over the payment of the funeral account.  If you have concerns regarding payment of the funeral expenses it is important that you discuss these concerns with us as early as possible, as we may be able to offer advice on the number of disbursements needed and their relevant costs. eg. flowers, newspaper notices, cemetery charges etc.

The Funeral Account:
The funeral account is due for payment within six weeks of the date of death and there is normally a discount offered if the account is settled in full by that date.
The person making the funeral arrangements is responsible for the expenses incurred however when there is a solicitor handling the Estate for the family, the funeral account can be forwarded directly to that  solicitor, who in turn will liaise with the family and make arrangements to pay the account.

What is included in the Funeral Account?:
The Funeral account is really four accounts in one.

Following is an example of how a funeral account is set out:
(Costs are not included as a cost of a funeral is determined largely by the individual wishes of families.  We are happy to give an estimate of costs on an individual basis on request.)

Including use of our facilities, attention to all funeral arrangements, co-ordinating arrangements with clergy and other authorities.  Placement of newspaper notices, completion, filing and registration of all relevant papers, and arrangement for payment of all disbursements.
$ ____________
To supplying Richmond Rimu Casket (as selected)
$ ____________
3.OTHER CHARGES: (eg of what may be included)
Advertising – Wairarapa Times Age, Dominion Post
$ ____________
Cremation fee or (Cemetery/Plot Charges) $ ____________
Floral tribute (Casket spray) $ ____________
Death Certificate $ ____________
Catering $ ____________
Service Sheets $ ____________
Tolls and faxes Wn,Ak) $ ____________
Video of service $ ____________
Ministers Gratuity $ ____________
Organist Gratuity $ ____________
Vergers fee $ ____________
Church Fee $ ____________
Sub Total:
$ ____________
4.GST $ ____________
Balance owing:
$ ____________

The family have some control of the costs associated with the casket (as this can be chosen) and the Disbursements (Other Charges) as these relate directly to family wishes/requirements.