Listed below are some books we have readily available to assist you during this time and in the days that follow. If you would like a copy please feel free to contact us.

The Story of a House on a Hill
by: Denny Chew
A Parable about death and dying, designed to help parents, grandparents, caregivers, relatives and friends enter into a gentle, healthy dialogue with young children on the subject of death.

The First Days and Weeks of Grief – Book One
by: Lynne Eward & Tricia Irving Hendry
First in The Many Colours of Grief Series, this easy to read and follow booklet is for people int heir first days and weeks of bereavement. It takes a look at what grief and shock can be like, ideas for managing them and options for ongoing support. It also looks at supporting children and young people close to you who are bereaved also.
As in all the three series booklets, this booklet is presented with warm colours, great photos and quotes from others who have ‘been there’, as well as inspiring thoughts from many wise people. It is very practical, honest, encouraging and reassuring.

As The Months Go By.. Book Two
by: Lynne Eward & Tricia Irving Hendry
Second in The Many Colours of Grief Series, this easy to read and follow booklet is for people who are going through the first 3 – 10 months of bereavement. It takes a look at ways the grief journey can be like at this time and covers the key questions people in this situaiton often ask about grief. It addresses tough issues openly, such as coping with the thoughtless comments of others, facing special days and holdiays and dealing with strong feelings like anger and guilt and loneliness.
As in all the three series booklets, this booklet is presented with warm colours, great photos and quotes from others who have ‘been there’, as well as inspiring thoughts many wise people. It is very practical, honest, encouraging and reassuring.

As the First Anniversary Approaches… and Beyond- Book Three
by: Lynne Eward & Tricia Irving Hendry
Third in The Many Colours of Grief Series, this easy to read and follow booklet is for people who are coming towards the end of their first year of bereavement. It takes a look at different ways a first anniversary can be marked, what others say helped them as they moved through this time and into the future, options for ongoing support and ideas for self care.
As in all the three series booklets, this booklet is presented with warm colours, great photos and quotes from others who have ‘been there’, as well as inspiring thoughts many wise people. It is very practical, honest, encouraging and reassuring.

When You’re Grieving
Some helpful information and ideas to help you on the journey
We grieve when any kind of significant loss happens to us, or to others we care about. It might be bereavement, pet loss, a relationship break up, moving or any other difficult life change. The bigger the loss, or losses, the bigger the grief. This booklet helps readers better understand the nature of grief and its impact, and encourages them with strategies to try that may help them along their grief journey. Nothing can magically take grief away, because it’s a normal and necessary process, but the information and ideas here can certainly help ease the way.

Grief is Like a Wave
This colourful, youth-friendly leaflet was especially designed for New Zealand teens. It highlights key ideas about grief and what it can be like and also includes practical ideas about handling it.
At the back, it features a wallet- sized card with helpful thoughts and info to remember.
Tested and endorsed by young people themselves, it has also been used for young adults and adults who are grappling with a grief experience, no matter what it is.

Death Without Warning
Information and Support after an Unexpected Death (third edition)
For individuals and families/whanāu affected by any kind of sudden or unexpected death, including accidental death, natural sudden death, suicide, murder and the death of a baby or child. This invaluable New Zealand handbook offers key information about events that happen after a death and people who may be involved, as well as information about trauma and grief and strategies for managing them. It includes information on supporting children and teens. Included also are brief quotes from many New Zealanders who have experienced a sudden death. It will be a valuable up-to-date tool for professionals working alongside bereaved people and has been made possible by the support of ACC and FDANZ.